Week 3 Story: The Wanted vs One Direction

The Wanted vs One Direction

One Direction was a band that ruled every girl's hearts. They were the cutest boys on the block and made the most mesmerizing music ever heard by anyone. They were Zayn (the mysterious one),  Niall (the sweet one), Liam (the sensitive one), Louis (the cute one), and Harry (the dreamy one). Together, they were unstoppable.
(Photo of the band One Direction by Sara Hiscoe: Flickr)

Their rival band, The Wanted, wanted to break down this band and claim all of their fans. However, it couldn't do that because all of the members of One Direction were such good friends and mates. Thus, The Wanted began to formulate an evil plan to try to infiltrate the band and split them apart.

(Photo of The Wanted in 2012: Wikimedia Commons)

This is where the angelic model came in. She was the prettiest of them all. Everywhere she went, she made heads turn. Her name was Kylie Jenner. Kylie, one day received a phone call from a band named "The Wanted".

She picked up and heard, "Hi, are you Kylie Jenner?"

"This is she," she responded.

"I have a proposal for you. I am in need of someone to split up One Direction, and you would be the perfect girl for it! Think about all the publicity you could get from this, and this could help your makeup sales, too," the agent from The Wanted convinced.

After pondering about it for a while, Kylie responded, "You know what? I'll do it".

Thus, the big plan was in place. Kylie "bumped" into the boys of One Direction at a benefit ball and immediately hit it off. Somehow, she met all of the other boys too, all separately, of course. The boys were all ecstatic to share the new girl in their lives to each other.

When she walked in, all of the guys said, "Heya bae", all at once.

"WAIT. That's YOUR girl?? She's MINE!" they screamed at each other.

They all turned their heads and looked at Kylie, who stood there confidently.

"Hey guys. You were all just so sweet, but I never said I agreed to date any one of you. Who's the best one out of all you guys?" she said, batting her eyelashes.

Thus, they all fought and eventually split into their own directions after fuming at each other. The Wanted, taking advantage of this situation, released their songs and slowly took each one of One Direction's songs, one by one off the billboards.

"United we stand. Divided we fall".

Note: These events are not based on real life. They were all fictional.

Author's Note:
In this fable, there are four oxen who protect themselves from the hungry lion by standing in a circle with their horns facing out to scare away the lion. This worked for a while before the oxen got into a fight with each other and separated into different parts of a field, where the lion ate them one by one because there was no longer that protection. In this story, the oxen were the band One Direction, who were a good group of boys always there for each other. The lion was the band, The Wanted that eventually broke them up by dividing them apart, using the powerful tool of love.

"The Four Oxen and the Lion" from The Fables of Aesop by Joseph Jacobs (1894)


  1. Wow, you know, I always thought that Kyle Jenner was up to no good. What a great story, you definitely brought it to modern standards. Just out curiosity, are you/were you a fan of One Direction?

    I would of liked if you elaborated more as to what happened to Kyle Jenner after all this. Either ways, the story was great!


  2. What a fun thing to read! I read this from Aesop's Fables, too! It was so funny how you retold it, I found myself smiling and laughing out loud. The silliness and ridiculousness of it all was not lost even though I'm not really familiar with the characters. You really captured the message of the original fable well. I wonder how this could appeal to a wider audience if you changed your cast. Great job!

  3. I really like how you modernized the story. You can still really get the moral of the story. I like that you took something from the past and used familiar characters to reinforce the story. It was really sad when One Direction broke up. I've never heard of the Wanted, but since they were also a boy band I still got the gist of the story.


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