Reading Notes: Aesop's Fables (Jacobs), Part B

More fables to read this week! Here again are some of my favorites with their morals.

1) The Cock and the Pearl by Joseph Jacobs (1894)
The cock was walking around the farm yard one day when he saw something glimmering in the haystack. He walks over to see a great, big pearl. Instead of prizing it like humans, he says he would have wanted to see some corn rather than something useless like the pearl.
"Precious things are for those that can prize them."

- A possible way to retell this story is to change the animals into people. Instead of a cock, it could be a poor or homeless person. The rest of story could be kept the same. This person would find a pearl necklace, but it would render useless to him because he much rather have food.

(Photo of a cock by danubiaschneider on Pixabay)

2) The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey by Joseph Jacobs (1894)
A man and his son, along with their donkey, were going to a market when a group of people passed by and criticized them for letting the donkey walk without carrying anything. Thus, the man put his son on the donkey until a couple of men shamed the boy for allowing his father to walk, while he gets to sit on the donkey. Then, the son got off, and the man got on the donkey. It was until they met a group of ladies who told the father that it was not right to let his poor son walking. As a result, both the man and the son rode the donkey together. When they got near town, some passers-by scoffed at the sight of the man and son overloading the poor donkey. Finally, the duo decided to carry the donkey, but it was only a short amount of time when the donkey kicked out and knocked the boy down. The donkey fell into the river and drowned because his hooves were all tied up.
"Please all, and you will please none".

-I actually love how this story is told. The only changes I would probably add would to add more details to it and not drag it on.

(Photo of a three week old Equus asinus in Kadzidłowo, Poland: Wikipedia)


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