Week 2 Story: Rose and her Thor

Rose and her Thor

"You got in trouble again? What is it this time?! Did you hit someone or did you make fun of another girl because she had a big nose?" Thor's parents angrily asked as they got another phone call from his school. Third time this week.

"I did nothing. They bet me I couldn't run down the halls naked, so obviously, I gave someone money to do that. Why did I get in trouble? I didn't do anything!" Thor angrily defended himself.

"Thor, honey... Money is not everything. You can't use our money like that," Thor's mom explained.

"I am done with your nonsense! This is it. I am cutting you off. If you can get someone to like you for yourself and not your money, I will give you back your life. You need to learn that money doesn't bring you happiness," said Thor's dad.

Thus, Thor lost everything and was forced to live in a small shack down by where the beautiful Rose lived. Now who is Rose?

She is a young, caring girl who really loves reading. She doesn't really know anyone at school because she always has her nose up in books and studying. Anyways, her mom is going away on a business trip next week to the edge of town and asked her what she wanted as a present. Her mom, after her dad passed away, had thrown herself into working and finally got a good job as an accountant for the rich Planton family. Even asking, Rose's mom already knew what she had wanted. Three roses to remind Rose of her late father.

After the long week, her mom went home and realized that she forgot Rose's present! On the way home, she saw the most beautiful roses her eyes had ever laid upon. Their color was as if they were painted on by Da Vinci or Monet. Thus, she stopped by and just picked three roses. Just three. No more, no less.
(Photograph of a rose by HeungSoon on Pixabay)

Rose's face lighted up when she saw her mom walk in with those gorgeous roses.

"Are those for me? Where did you find those? I have seen every rose in this whole area, but never have I seen these," Rose questioned with curiosity.

Thor, after being kicked out, was, of course, bored all day. He couldn't go to school anymore because it was a private school, and he didn't have money to pay for it. He, under all that rough exterior, actually loved planting flowers, roses to be specific. Why roses? He just always thought they were a classic flower, just like how he's a classic guy. One day, he was just watering his roses like every day when he noticed this beautiful girl picking them. How dare she! He was Thor Planton and he was not going to let someone step all over him and his roses. Immediately, he dashed out and snatched those roses out of the hands of this stranger.

Rose was just standing there, admiring the roses. She had immediately walked there after school after hearing about this place where the beautiful roses grow. Suddenly, an unshaved boy comes running out and just snatches the roses from her hand. Shocked, she immediately swung her fist and aimed for his nose. But he dodges!!

Thor was stunned. This girl just tried to hit him. "Why are you here?" he screamed.

"I just loved these flowers so much and wanted to take some. They aren't yours. Why are you touching me?" Rose cried out.

"See, that place over there. I live there," clarified Thor.

"You mean, that run-down shack?" exclaimed Rose.
(Photo of Chapelle Parc Roseraie Haÿ with roses on the outside: Wikimedia Commons)

"Yes," Thor said sadly.

"Maybe this could be the girl who can help him get everything back but how?" he wondered.

This man peaks Rose's curiosity very much. Since she obviously has stolen some roses, she chose to come into the shack and talk when he asked. He was very weird. He looked familiar, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. Thor was nervous. Even if he hated this girl for almost punching him, she was still kinda cute. Nervously, he asked her if she will come by and talk to him for three hours every day. Rose thought this was kind of weird but agreed to it because she wanted to see the roses. Also, she felt like this was payment for her mom stealing the roses. Thus, every day she came by and saw him. Every day, she just shared her stories of growing up and throwing herself into school after her father died. Her father was a teacher, and he loved learning and always lectured to her how learning is the best present that God has given. After pouring herself out to him, she wondered why he never talked back.

On the third day, he suddenly revealed all of his inner secrets, cutting away each layer. At the end, he asks Rose, "Do you like spending time with me?".

She paused and said timidly, "Though you yelled at me and tried to attack me, I am really starting to fall for you".

That answer answered it all for Thor. He loved her and couldn't believe he got someone to love him back without using his money.

Finally, Thor got all his money back and then surprised Rose, who lived happily ever after with her Thor.
(Photo of a key to a heart made my mohamed_hassan on Pixabay)

Author's Note:
This story was a little cheesy, but I tried to relate it back to the original story. It was based on a Czech fairy tale similar to Beauty and the Beast except that the Beast was a basilisk. In my story, I gave more background about how the "basilisk" lost everything and tried to modernize the story. In the end, instead of Mary cutting the heads off the basilisk, I changed it so that Rose helped peel away Thor's many layers (heads), revealing his true self. Also, my inspiration for their names are a little far-fetched, but Rose's name comes from, obviously, the roses she love. The opposite of Rose is a thorn, but no guy is named Thorn, so Thor it was.


"The Three Roses" from The Key of Gold: Czech Folk Tales by Josef Baudis (1922)


  1. Hi Ahnthu!
    Beauty and the Beast is absolutely one of my favorite stories so I love that you chose that for your story. I agree with your approach in giving all of the characters more of a background. My one problem with fairy tales is sometimes their motivations seem unclear because you know so little about the characters. That was definitely not a problem with your story! I also liked the symbolic "beheading" of the beast you went with.

  2. Hi Ahnthu!

    I really liked your retelling of Beauty and the Beast. It was a good mixture of the original and the Czech version we read in a modern setting. I also chose to rewrite it. I really liked the symbolism when you chose Thor's name, as well as the significance of the number three. In the original it is unclear why Mary wants three roses specifically but in your version it is to remember her father. Also, to pay for them she has to give Thor three hours of her time and finally after three days he warms up to her.

  3. Hey Anhthu,
    I was very intrigued with your story about Thor! I thought that it was a very well written story. It had a certain WOW factor to it. I thought that throughout the story you did a really good job at keeping to the original plot. I wonder how Thor really felt about rose when they first met? I wonder if he was nicer from the start maybe there would have been a difference in their interaction throughout the story? What if to end the story it ends where it started in his rose garden. And he shows his love for her by giving her a rose. This is just an idea, but I think that this was once again a very great story that was well thought out and followed the plot of the I really look forward to reading your future stories! And good luck with this semester!

  4. Hello, Ahnthu!

    I must say that I was really impressed by your take on “The Three Roses”! I really appreciate how you gave us a bit of a backstory for both of the main characters. I also really like that you were able to do that using different techniques. For Rose, we learned a little bit more about her directly as you included it in the story. For Thor, however, we learned more about his personality and feelings through the dialogue. I am curious to know if you got inspiration for the Thor in your story from the Norse god, Thor. In all honesty, I am not a big fan of Thor’s personality at the beginning. I am not sure how I feel about our sweet Rose falling in love with someone that “[made] fun of another girl because she had a big nose”. Maybe you can edit the story to really emphasize that Thor has had a change of heart? It really is not a big deal, but I just thought I would let you know! Great story!


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