Introduction to a Silly Science Nerd

It has always been weird to me to introduce myself to people. There's either too much to say or nothing to say at all. I am a small-town girl from Moore, Oklahoma. Yes, the town that attracts F-5 tornadoes. If you google Moore, you will see the aftermath pictures pop up. My friends and I had always wanted to escape this state, wanting to start a new identity for ourselves. Yet, we all ended up at OU. Funny how life works out.
(Personal photo of me sending my brother off to his senior prom)

Hello there. My name is Anhthu Trinh, and I'm a biochemistry major on the pre-med track. Sounds impressive right, but I'm not even sure I will make it. I hope to graduate in May 2020, a year early. Crazy, am I right? Yeah, I know. I can't believe it myself. However, if I don't get into medical school this cycle, well I have a backup plan. I am going to get my second degree in some kind of engineering! As you can see, I love learning! Why else would I jump into so many years of schooling?

I bet you all are wondering what other hobbies I could possibly have. I love tennis! I played in high school, and even though I never won a tournament, I love the competitive nature it brings out in me. Also, the fact that there was someone forcing you to exercise every day was also very motivating haha.
(Photo of Southmoore High School Varsity Tennis Team 2017: Anhthu Trinh)

I really love artsy things, too. The idea of writing a blog has been so exciting to me! It's hard to explain. I love very aesthetic things. For example, painting, photography, embroidery, and crafting are all favorites of mine. I am that kind of person you see at Starbucks trying to take a food picture to post on Instagram.
(Personal photo of my aunt's dog posted on Instagram)

Lastly, I love science and traveling! Hopefully one day I get to join Doctors Without Borders and help people in underdeveloped nations. It is something I have always dreamt about since I was a little kid. Putting my skills to a real use and seeing the world, too? What a great deal!

Family is something very important to me. I respect them so much. They all had an influence in my personality somehow. Every time I am sad, disappointed, and frustrated, they are always there. I am extremely blessed to have my family always there for me to make me laugh and just smile. Now... I'll stop being so sentimental. Can't wait to hear everyone else's stories!
(Personal photo of my family at the North Window in Moab, Utah) 


  1. Speaking as a book nerd, I love learning too, Anhthu! I hope you will get into medical school this time around, but your backup plan sounds great too. Because there is ALWAYS more to learn... in school, and out of school too. Plus there are always more books to read: that's the danger of being a book nerd. I bought more books over the break than I read, ha ha. I will never catch up!

    And that picture of your aunt's dog is so cute. I am also the kind of person who likes seeing pictures of pets on Twitter (I don't do Instagram; Twitter takes up enough of my time, ha ha: #CatsOfTwitter). Plus you already met the growth mindset cats, of course. Maybe you can make some growth mindset memes starring your aunt's dog! You'll find Cheezburger and other meme makers in the Tech Tips, plus other fun stuff. As you can guess, I definitely believe in having fun images and videos to go with all the words words words in the blog posts. I hope you will have fun with all of that! :-)

  2. Hey Anhthu,

    It was so great to see your blog and your introduction post pop up! It is always great to see another science major with similar interests. I have no doubt that you will make it into medical school. It is so cool that you love to play tennis. Although I have never actually played a structured game, I find the idea of exercising while being outdoors and having fun to be a great draw.

    Best of luck this semester!


  3. Hi Anhthu! Congratulations on being on track to graduate early. That sounds intense, but if you love school then it must be worth it!
    I also embroider, I think it's really fun and satisfying and a totally underappreciated art form. It's cool to see another young person who's into textile art.
    Good luck with your medical school applications and the rest of your undergrad!

  4. Hey, Anhthu!

    Your description of Moore made me laugh. "Attracting tornadoes" struck me as a funny way of putting it. Plus, your academic and professional goals are very impressive. I wish you the best of luck with med school and early graduation -- I bet you can do it! And it's nice to meet another tennis player! I also played during high school and it's one of the niche-er sports.

    Great work on your intro!

  5. Hi, Anthu!

    The picture of you with your family in Utah is amazing! I'm definitely added Moab to my list of places to visit when I get the chance to travel again.

    I think it's funny you describe yourself as the type of person to take an Insta pic in Starbucks. I definitely relate. Whenever I try a new coffee place, I always take a picture of my drink for Snapchat!

    Graduating a year early is definitely an ambitious goal! Good luck!

    1. *Anhthu, so sorry!! Promise it was a typo, I know how it feels to have your name misspelled all the time :P

  6. Hey, Anhthu!

    I really enjoyed reading your introduction as you seem super cool! I, too, am from Oklahoma (Edmond) and always planned to leave this state as soon as possible, but that obviously did not happen and I ended up attending OU! Family is also very important to me and I love spending time with my parents, my sister, and my brother-in-law. Family to me means always having someone to support you and guide you in life! You seem like a very ambitious person who will succeed at whatever you choose to do, whether that be attending medical school or going for an engineering degree. I am impressed that you have such fantastic goals and are well on your way to accomplishing them!

    Good luck in school and beyond, wherever that takes you!

  7. I'm also from Moore! Funny just how much tornadoes change the landscape there - I always tell people to check how new the houses are, and you'll come across the paths of old tornadoes.
    I super respect your goal of trying to join Doctors Without Borders! They're such an amazing organization, and I really admire someone who wants to help those in underdeveloped countries.
    From one early graduate applying to grad school to another, good luck!

  8. Hi Anhthu!
    You've commented on a few of my posts and I'm finally returning the favor. Congrats on planning to graduate a year early! As a chem E I have a lot of pre med friends and its definitely a lot of work. I wish you the best of luck! And if you change your mind I would definitely recommend engineering. I really admire your drive to work with Doctors Without Borders, what a great organization and use of your time. So interesting that you love doing so many artsy things. I try and get into artsy pursuits but wouldn't say I have a lot of natural flair.... I look forward to reading more of your stories as the semester goes. Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  9. Hello, Anthu! Carl here. I am also a total (word) nerd and have never been able to figure out the class introductions very well. Also- tennis volleys for days! It really is one of the best recreational sports. I think that anyone can go out with a racket and have a good time. One of my favorite things to go do on a hot day. I am stoked to check out your blog as the class moves forward and see what kind of aesthetic work you put out.

  10. Hi Anhthu!
    Wow! Your degree path is very impressive! I feel busy with my double major but that is nothing compared to your workload. Your dreams of joining Doctors Without Borders is also really impressive and commendable. I wish you luck in your endeavors. Both here at OU and after you graduate. I can't wait to read your other stories throughout the semester.

  11. Biochemistry is such a cool degree, but it also sounds really hard. I really liked your blog and intro. You know, one of things that I can relate with you about, is your passion for learning. A long time ago (actually not that long), I set the lifelong goal to myself of being a life-long learner. And so, I been perusing my interest and curiosity wherever they might take me, always maintaining an aptitude for leaning.

    I look forward to reading more stories from you!


  12. Hey Anhthlu! Glad to see another Chemistry/Biochemistry major here. As someone who is going to med school in the fall and got my degree in Chemistry, I know how hard it is to fulfill all the pre-requs while working, voluteering, leadership, all that jazz. Don't feel to pressured to graduate early and spend time doing more things that you love (because trust me, you won't be able to do them in med school)! I really love science and travelling, too! I almost considered getting my masters in chemistry first, but alas, I do not want all that debt. It's awesome how close you are to your family!

  13. Hey Anhthu!

    Sounds like OU wasn’t your first choice to continue your education, but nonetheless I hope it’s been a positive past few years! I know I’d planned on leaving Oklahoma for college as well but looking back I’m thankful I ended up here.
    Congrats on wanting to continue your education in med school! As somebody who want to pursue a master’s degree and eventually a Ph.D., I can relate to how frustrating the application process can be. Just keep plugging away!

    - JD

  14. Hey Anhthu!
    It's nice to meet you. I applaud you for having a spirit for learning and giving back. It's not often that pre-med students talk about wanting to be a part of Doctors Without Borders. I love your blog setup; your inclination towards aesthetic things definitely shows here.

    I look forward to hearing your stories this upcoming semester. I hope you get much from this course and best of luck!

    -Lance J.

  15. Hi Anhthu!

    I've read a lot of your stories and I'm a big fan! It's good to learn more about one of my favorite authors in this course. Congratulations on graduating a year early! That's an incredible accomplishment and I hope you get into medical school as well. I'm sure that's stressing you out, but remember to take some time and dedicate it to rest. You must be very busy!
    Have a great semester.

  16. Hey Anhthu! I am also a big science nerd that is hoping to become a doctor as well. I think that joining Doctors Without Borders is such a noble and worthy cause, and I am glad that great people like you exist and can spread love and care and compassion on a global scale. Congrats on graduating a year early, also! College is expensive and getting out early is a huge financial advantage for you in the future. Hope to see you around and good luck with the rest of the year!

  17. Hi Anhthu,

    You seem to be a really motivated person. The fact that if you somehow don't get into medical school this round that you want to pick up a second degree in engineering is wild to me! With all this schooling, I am sure you will have so many options to do whatever you want in the future! Good luck with your future endeavors!

  18. Hi Anhthu,
    It's great that you love learning, and that is something we have in common. I love learning so much that I am thinking about being a professor, so I can forever be learning and teaching. You've got quite a workload on your shoulders, I am impressed! Good luck and I hope you get to graduate early!
    Best wishes.

  19. Hi Anhthu,

    I think that its wonderful that you have a passion for helping out underdeveloped nations and I also admire that you stick close to your family. I am impressed by how you have backup plans for your life as I dont really have that option myself. I also am really happy that you have found your passion and that you are pursuing it. I hope you get to graduate early as well. I know that I would look forward to graduating early if I could. keep writing I look forward to reading more from you one day.

  20. Hello, Anhthu!

    I have never met anyone from Moore, Oklahoma before! I am curious to know if you have ever experienced the natural phenomena that is a tornado before. Personally, I have lived in Oklahoma for several years, but I have yet to experience a tornado before. I am glad to hear that you are on track to graduate early! I am sure you will be able to get into medical school!

  21. Hey Anhthu,
    First of all, major respect for being a biochemistry major! I, too, was a pre-med major, but then Biochem kicked my butt three times! (Sims is a whole other level of professors, I swear.) Always have a backup plan, cause I’m currently working on mine! Which also involves more school lol. Do you ever have issues with burnout? I definitely struggle with keeping up with my classes sometimes, just cause I’m not getting to study exactly what I want to. Good luck with biochem!

  22. Anhthu, it was really great getting to know you some through your introduction post. I think it is so cool that we are able to interact even though we are in two separate classes (I'm in Indian Epics). I think it is cool that having an online class like this allows us to do that. Again, it was great getting to know you some and the best of luck to you on your future endeavors.

  23. Hey Anhthu,

    I think it is really awesome that you are trying to graduate a year early. I am graduating in May, only a few weeks away, and I will have graduated a year early. It is definitely possible! My advice for you is to just find what you want to do, and do it. Which it seems like you have found what you want to do. Now you just have to go and do it. You clearly have the drive to get it done.

    Good luck,
    Brady Justice

  24. Hey Anthu,

    I think it's so cool that you are on the Pre-med track. It is such an important and rewarding career. I started off as a Biology Pre-med major myself but switched my sophomore year to my own back up plan. I think it's great to have another idea of what you might want to do and I hear engineering is a super cool career. I love learning as well and constantly try and find different things to be apart of in order to grow my own knowledge. Hope you've had a great semester and good luck with the rest of your college career.


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