Week 8 Progress

Looking back: 
According to the Progress Chart, I am at the level of beginning Week 9, so this means I am two weeks ahead since this is Week 7! I had hoped to be further ahead at this point because at the beginning of the semester, I had tried to be a week ahead every week, meaning I would be starting on Week 2 during Week 1. However, as life got busy, I started falling behind. I hope to get ahead again and finish the class early, especially since the end of a semester is always stressful. I have been using a lot of the Tech Tips as extra credit because they have been so fun just learning different platforms! I feel like an expert at making websites and blogging now! Definitely will use this in the future.

(Inspirational quote: Flickr)

Looking forward:
I want to add more features to my blog and websites and make it more engaging. I also need to do more extra credit, focusing on the Growth Mindset part because that is something that I really wanted to learn more since the beginning of the year. This means I need to find more time to do this and maybe change my schedule a little! 


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